Wellfield School

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Personal Development

At Wellfield School, good relationships are fundamental to our ethos and our success in being a happy, caring and safe environment. Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, looking after ourselves, different families, sex education, sexuality and sexual health. We aim for the young people in our School to acquire the appropriate knowledge, develop their skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes. RSHE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of our pupils within the community.

RSHE is taught within all key stages following new 2020 statutory requirements but is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum (such as science) and day to day life of the school where our staff offer support to pupils struggling with their mental health and social relationships. Our students often need extra support to deal with their emotions and maintaining a positive routine is crucial to our school ethos.

Our Mission Statement shows that SMSC is at the heart of everything we do at Wellfield School. We offer a comprehensive learning environment that encourages students to take active control of their learning and behaviour and to embrace challenge. We promote fundamental British Values and students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, helping them to develop into responsible adults. Our mission of putting ‘students first’ defines the core values of LIFE lessons, ensuring that students have the key qualities to prepare for adulthood and are able to become active members of their community.

SMSC is very much at the centre of our school. We recognise that the personal development of our students – spiritually, morally, socially and culturally – plays a significant role in their ability to learn, study and mature into well rounded members of the community.

We therefore aim to provide an education that…

  • Explores beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values;
  • Fosters a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible;
  • Use imagination and creativity in learning;
  • Shows students have a willingness to reflect on their experiences:
  • Shows we have high standards of behaviour:
  • Embodies Spiritual awareness:
  • Promotes tolerance and respect for people of all faiths (including those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles through tutor time and extra-curricular activities;
  • Includes a rounded programme of assemblies that help to promote students’ SMSC development:
  • Students’ have an appreciation of the world around them.

Spiritual Development

We promote this through the following:

  • Our personal development programme which teaches students about different religious denominations.
  • Assemblies which celebrate beliefs and cultures from around the world.
  • Taking children out on school trips or inviting people into the school that inspire creative learning and aspirations.
  • A RSE programme to prepare students.
  • Developing creativity and imagination through play, literacy, art, design technology music, dance and drama.

Moral Development

We promote this through the following:

  • Providing a clear moral code for behaviour which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school – assemblies, Choices board, E-safety lessons, Class Charts, merit rewards, attendance awards, Prize-giving days, tutor league tables.
  • Promoting equality in relation to religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender.
  • Giving students opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts and values through the curriculum – Tutor time, History, Geography, English, Drama, Dance and Art.
  • Encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions, such as respect for property, care of the environment and the Behaviour Policy.
  • Raising money for charities.
  • Having a ‘voice’ through the student council.
  • Adults modelling fairness, reliability and respect for all students.
  • Recognising and respecting different cultures represented by students and staff in the school – tutor programme, Cultural displays around the school, texts used to support the curriculum.

Social Development

We promote this through the following:

  • Creating a sense of community with inclusive values through assemblies, our personal development curriculum, community fundraising, sponsored events, and Open School evening, revision session during the holidays and after school.
  • Encouraging children to work co-operatively in the classroom- promoting team work and peer assessment/feedback.
  • Providing children with opportunities to exercise leadership and responsibility through student voice.
  • Encouraging children to recognise and respect social differences and similarities within Wingate.

Cultural Development

We promote this through the following:

  • Participating in local sports matches and competitions.
  • Recognising individual talent.
  • Understanding of Brexit and its impact on the UK.
  • Themed days linked to topics being studied throughout the school e.g. Spanish, History, and Geography.
  • Recognising and celebration of national events such as the World Cup and Remembrance Day.
  • Celebrating the attitudes, values and traditions of various cultures through lessons, assemblies, school social events, and visitors to the school.

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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