All enrichment activities are up and running for all year groups, including GER intervention for Year 11 students.
We provide a wide range of high-level extra-curricular enrichment opportunities through our Enrichment Programme. Students get the opportunity to:
- Enter local and national competitions
- Trips and visits
- Subject clubs/workshops
- Visiting speakers and Master classes
- Internal and external competitions
- Revision and enrichment provision for examination courses
- Peer teaching/mentoring/volunteering opportunities
- Grouping of students in and within teaching groups is designed to promote differentiated learning at all levels.
Celebrating Achievements & Successes
The More Able co-ordinator will ensure that the achievements and successes of our students are appropriately celebrated:
- In the local press
- On the website
- Newsletters
- On the plasma screens in school
- Through letters and emails to parents
- Through assemblies and the tutor programme