Wellfield School

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At Wellfield our school uniform is an important expression of our pride in ourselves as a school and we expect all students in correct uniform. We are delighted by the effort that our parents and students make into ensuring that the uniform is the smartest in the county. 

We recognise that uniform can be expensive for parents and we want to ensure that parents get the best prices but also have choice in where to buy certain parts of the uniform, whilst also maintaining high standards. To help parents with the purchase of school uniform please read the guide below. However, if you have any concerns or queries about the purchasing of school uniform please check with the school before doing so. 

The following items can only be bought online through the link provide on this page https://theschooloutfit.co.uk/collections/wellfield-school

Uniform Policy



New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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