Wellfield School

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This page gives you information about home to school transport for students attending Wellfield School. 

Please note all policy/criteria is set by Durham County Council and not by Wellfield School. Home to secondary school transport is administered through Durham County Council. 

Free Home to School transport – Who qualifies? 

Students of compulsory school age are entitled to free home to school transport to: 

  • the nearest suitable school, if that school is more than three miles from the parental home using the shortest available walking route. 


Extended Transport Policy 

For secondary school children who are eligible for free school meals, or whose parents receive their maximum level of Working Tax Credit, free transport will be provided to: 

  • one of the three nearest qualifying schools, if that school is more than two but less than six miles from the child’s home, or 
  • the nearest secondary school preferred because of religion or *belief for students whose parent(s) adhere to that particular faith, where that school is more than two but less than fifteen miles from the child’s home.  

* For this purpose, parental adherence to the Roman Catholic faith has been defined as where at least one parent and the student are baptised Roman Catholic; and to the Anglican faith where at least one parent is a confirmed Anglican and the student is a baptised Anglican. 

The six mile upper limit to a choice of schools and the fifteen mile upper limit to a school preferred on the grounds of religion or belief are not walking routes therefore these routes will be measured along road routes. 

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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