Wellfield School

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Options Process

We want our students to engage with a curriculum that best meets their needs and future aspirations, to provide a curriculum that students can engage with. We want our students to achieve the best possible results to then provide them with the best opportunities for the future.  

All of our students will study a core curriculum and then will be guided to an option pathway. Each pathway is designed to guide students to the best combination of subjects for their future success. The majority of students will take 8 or 9 GCSE or equivalent subjects during Key Stage 4. Choosing the right courses at Key Stage 4 is very important. The choices that you make now will start to define the pathway for your future.  

We offer a range of GCSE and vocational courses that students can select their options from. Each pathway offers a different combination of subjects that will ensure a range of subjects that will lead to a pathway of success. Wellfield School has experience in advising and supporting our students in making option choices and we encourage our students to talk to parents, teachers, tutors and other staff about successful choices so they can achieve good Key Stage 4 results. We believe we have a strong, broad curriculum with a combination of core and option subjects that will set students on the path to success. 

 Options 2024

What happens in Year 10?

In year 10 you will start your GCSE courses. There are different types of subjects and
qualifications: GCSE subjects and vocational subjects.
GCSEs are mainly assessed through exams but could still involve coursework, practical or
oral assessments in some subjects. Almost all GCSEs have written examinations taken at
the end of Year 11.
Vocational courses are made up of smaller units of work. Each unit is assessed
individually and there are fewer written examinations than in most GCSEs. They do have
an examination component too, but these exams often take place during the course and
the marks for these exams form a smaller percentage of the overall qualification marks.
On vocational courses you can achieve a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*.

How it works

Everyone will study English Language, English Literature and Mathematics. You will all
study Science but some of you will study Triple Science (read the subject information
sheet to find out why).
You will then pick either History or Geography and then one option from each option
block. The options that you can choose from are:

Why should you pick a subject:

You enjoy it and are interested in it.
You are going to do well in it.
You will find it easy to work hard in this subject.
You want to do something that will use this in the future.

Why you should not pick a subject:

You haven’t studied it before and you’re curious. Just because it is new doesn’t mean
it is right for you.
Your friends are choosing it. What is right for your friends might not be right for you.
You may not be in the same class even if you chose the same subject.
You like the teacher who teaches this subject. Teachers and subjects can change. You
are not guaranteed to have the same teacher year after year.

Options Booklet

options booklet wellfield 2.pdf


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